Our 6 Degrees of Hapa Shop
Visit our 6 Degrees of Hapa Shop online! You can find all of the gear that we typically sell at our physical pop-up shop here.

Our Threadless Artist Shop
Find special edition, limited edition, and past art on a bunch of gear Threadless creates with direct-to-garment methods. We upload our artwork, pick the products we want in our Threadless Artist Shop, and receive a commission when you shop!
We are donating to Black Lives Matter through our artist proceeds for our two "Mixed Communities for Black Lives" designs, please check out the two designs to find out more information!

Our Spoonflower Shop
For all of our creative 6 Degrees of Hapa Fam, we've created a collection of our very own textile patterns at Spoonflower for you to use in your own personal sewing and craft projects! We receive a 10% commission on every purchase featuring our textile patterns at Spoonflower.

#ShareYourHapaStory Project
We're here to celebrate friends, family, and our diverse connections. To continue with this celebration, we'd love to hear your stories and for you to share up to 10 photos with our #ShareYourHapaStory Project. Visit here for information and our project guidelines!
For our current contributors, we'd love to feature your story here at 6degreesofhapa.com, please contact us via 6degreesofhapa@gmail.com or Instagram and we'll get your story posted here!